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Just this year, retail cannabis sales have started in Connecticut. With more and more U.S. states moving to legalize cannabis, Yale has announced the creation of their new Center for the Science of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. 

This new Yale research center will be focusing on the acute and chronic effects of cannabis and cannabinoids on neurodevelopment and mental health. There were many reasons behind the creation of the center including:

  • Bringing people together in ways that weren’t always possible.
    • Creating a forum where anyone can come together to discuss ongoing projects and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Becoming self-sustaining – submit large grant applications every few years.
  • Generating the highest quality information that people can use to make decisions at many different levels.
    • Individuals, towns, public health departments, states, etc.

Cannabis is slowly becoming more normalized in mainstream America. With the support and research of Ivy League colleges, this process could come even faster. 
